Annual Security Report and Sexual Misconduct Policy

It is the Academy’s policy to maintain a drug-free campus. In addition to the Academy’s conviction on this issue, we are also mandated to agree to enforce this policy in order to maintain eligibility with the U.S. Department of Education. All students are hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance or abuse of alcohol is prohibited on the Academy’s premises. Illegal drugs (controlled substances) include the following non-prescription substances:

  1. Narcotics: opium, heroin, morphine, and synthetic substitutes
  2. Depressants: chloral hydrate, barbiturates and methaqualones
  3. Stimulants: cocaine, its derivatives and amphetamines
  4. Hallucinogens: LSD, mescaline, PCP, peyote, psilocybin and MDMA
  5. Cannabis: marijuana and hashish

Students are expected to be in a state of mental and physical competence while in school. Therefore, any student known to be using drugs or alcohol, even if the use occurs off campus, may be excluded from attending class and the reason for this exclusion will be noted in the student’s personal file. Students should also be aware that a misdemeanor or felony conviction for the use or sale of drugs could result in the loss of federal financial aid. Please see the Financial Services Office for more information on this subject.

As a condition of attendance, a student must:

  1. Abide by the terms of this statement; and
  2. Notify the Director of Financial Services of any criminal drug statute conviction no later than five (5) days after conviction.

Upon such notification, the American Academy of Art must notify the U.S. Department of Education within ten (10) days and take one or more of the following actions with respect to the person so convicted:

  1. Take appropriate action, up to and including termination or dismissal; and/or
  2. Require such student to participate satisfactorily in a drug-abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purpose by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency.

For purposes of this statement, the drug-free campus consists of the following locations at 332 S. Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL: All administrative offices, classrooms and studios, the gallery, the library, storage areas and bathrooms, all stairways, hallways, elevators, the Van Buren entrance and the lobby of the building.

The American Academy of Art encourages any student who feels that he/she may have a problem with drugs or alcohol to seek treatment, counseling or rehabilitation. Students are encouraged to meet with the Registrar in strictest confidence for assistance in locating appropriate sources of help. The Academy will make every effort to work with any student who voluntarily seeks treatment to enable the student to complete the program of education.