When the time comes to begin researching colleges, many questions can arise. Knowing where to go for answers is often intimidating and stressful. To make the process easier, we’ve updated our online Self Scheduler. When you self-schedule an appointment with an Academy Admissions Representatives, you can choose a time that works best for you and will have the option to schedule an interview in person or over Zoom.
At your personalized appointment with an Admissions Representative, you will learn more about what the Academy can do for you, including how our curriculum helps to prepare students for a career in art and how you might be considered for an Academy Merit Scholarship.
To learn more about how the Academy can help prepare you for an interesting and fun career in art, schedule your visit today by clicking on one of the available dates in the calendar below. At the end of the form you will be given the option to schedule an appointment in-person or via Zoom.
If you have additional questions or prefer to schedule an appointment over the phone, call our Admissions Department at 312-461-0600. We look forward to meeting with you.