
Admissions Procedures and Requirements

Students applying to the American Academy of Art College must submit a completed application form. All applicants are required to have an interview with a representative of the school before starting classes. Former students who are applying for re-entry into the same degree program from which they withdrew must coordinate with the Registrar.

High School Graduate Applicants:
High School graduates with a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and recipients of the G.E.D. are eligible to apply for admission. Students with less than a 2.0 grade point average may be considered for enrollment upon review and approval from the Academic Dean. An official transcript of grades must be sent directly to:

American Academy of Art College
Office of the Registrar
332 S Michigan Ave Ste 300
Chicago, IL 60604-4302

Transfer Applicants:
Transfer prospective applicants with a 2.0 cumulative grade point average and maintaining satisfactory progress are eligible to apply for admission. Applicants may be required to schedule an appointment with the Academic Dean for a transcript and portfolio review. Students with less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average may be considered for enrollment upon review and approval from the Academic Dean. An official transcript of grades must be sent directly to:

American Academy of Art College
Office of the Registrar
332 S Michigan Ave Ste 300
Chicago, IL 60604-4302